Resident Evil: Why they work as 'video game' movies.
The Trailer as Prologue
Comparing The Avengers and The Justice League
We've Moved (sort of).
The Imitation Game: How to Write Flashbacks
The Truman Show: Understanding Active Questions
2008-2018: My List
Building Your Own Story Map
Die Hard: A Perfect Christmas Movie
Inception: Keeping it Simple
How to Write Effective Action Sequences in a Screenplay
Hannibal: More Important than Silence of the Lambs
The Girl in the Spider's Web: Plot Heavy Trailers
Alien 3 Explained: A Case for Ellen Ripley’s Greatest Journey
Writing Relatable Characters: From Final Girls to Norman Bates
Making the Case for why Alien: Covenant is Good | And Why It Deserves a Second Look
Ready Player One: Nostalgia as a Storytelling Device
How to Write a Third Act Climax for Your Movie: Lessons from The Dark Knight
Miss Sloane: The Importance of Original Storytelling
How to Write Dialogue: Rethinking your Approach
Wonder Woman: The Problem with DC Heroes
How to Write a Subplot in a Screenplay: Lessons from The Lord of the Rings
The Hateful Eight: The Danger of Long Movies
Jaws: Telling Stories in Stories